
Sunday, October 12, 2008

October 2008 Update

I have recently made some new discoveries and will hopefully post in more detail on them in the future. But just to keep everybody updated, here are few few things worth a mention.

Endless Boogie: I recently became aware of a band called Endless Boogie via a sampler in Uncut magazine. They really rock! These guys sound something like ZZTop and AC/DC with a lot of their own flavour in there too.

Rodriguez: We grew up to Rodriguez's 'Cold Fact' album being a part of the ambient sound in 70's suburban South Africa. It comes as a surprise that the rest of the world (apart from maybe Australia) had not paid this American artist much attention. It seems that now about 30 years later awareness has been raised. Give it a listen you will be amazed at how fresh it sounds, and how relevant the lyrics still are.

The Hold Steady:  I bought the new album recently 'Stay Positive', and it sounds fantastic.

Also: I just can't wait for the new AC/DC album. By all acounts so far it sounds like it is good. I have only heard the single 'Rock 'n Roll Train' thus far and while that is a fine song I really hope that the rest of the album is good.

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